This is a transitional instrument with a cylindrical bore like a renaissance flute but build in two parts. The bore is a little more narrow and a little longer than a Renaissance flute at the same pitch of a=460 Hz. Also the embouchure is quite small and the flute has a very focused sweet sound. It is a bit quieter than Renaissance flutes and is happy to play by itself or with another soft instrument. More information about the maker you find on the page of Boaz Berney.
We know very little about flutes and flute playing in the mid seventeenth century. There are just three surviving instruments: this Lissieu flute, the Assisi flute and the Haka flute in the Ehrenfeld collection in Utrecht. Each of them unique and without common features.
Also the music played is a mystery. I've used the Lissieu together with harpsichord playing vocal music, with lute playing Airs de cour and for playing solo pieces by Virgiliano and van Eyck.