20/21 October 2018
Workshop with Amanda Markwick.
Pierre Attaingnant (1494-1552) printet his first book of music in 1528 with a Royal Privilege by Francois I. With this he set a very high standard and it didn't take long until he was famous for the quality of his products.
The 1533 print of 27 chansons (in fact there are 28 but maybe the title was already printet and nobody wantet to change it) combines compositions of 8 composers, Claudin de Sermisy being the most prominently featured. The others are Guilliaume Le Heurteur, Pierre Passerau, Pierre Vermont, Jocotin, Johannes Lupi, Nicolaas Gombert and Pierre de Manchicourt. They took state of the art poetry and set them to music in a new straight forward stile full of imagination.
On the title page Attaingant marks the pieces that are suitable for flutes (21 pieces). We'll concentrate on these. One of the rare collections that features the early flute with wonderful music. Before it was so often associated with the military fife. Now, in a four-part concort settings, it finds it's very special and delicate voice.